Showing posts with label lou amundson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lou amundson. Show all posts

Cory's Top 5 Dream Bromances

According to Wikipedia, a bromance is a close non-sexual relationship between two (or more) men, a form of affectional or homosocial intimacy.

Often on my radio show I'm accused of being the gayest person on the show. I don't see it, but it's well documented on FatGuyRadioShow that I have the lowest gay-dar on planet earth. I may very well be the gayest person on my show but I'd never know it.

Bromances are another thing. Below are pictures of my all time Top Five Dream Bromances with a homosexual intimacy chance rating. Not in any particular order:

dream bromance, leonardo dicaprio, dave franco, lou amundson, marcin gortat, russell westbrook,, cory blaze

Leonardo DiCaprio Our bromance would consist of us hanging out and talking about every possible bad movie role he's turned down. Potential for intimacy = 60%

Dave Franco Our bromance would consist of anything requiring us to remove our shirts. Swimming, biking, walking, breathing. Potential for intimacy = 80% (He's toned as balls)

Lou Amundson Our bromance would consist of us having some beers and bitching about all the NBA teams that kept trading him. And me styling his hair as he sits comfortably between my knees. Potential for intimacy = 100% (It's a mortal lock he's dreamy. Screw the bromance, we're flying to San Francisco in the morning)

Marcin Gortot Our bromance would consist of Marcin reading me the dictionary. His accent is entertaining. Potential for intimacy = 99.9% (No one really knows how big that polish hammer really is.)

Russell Westbrook Our bromance would consist of us traveling around to all his families houses and eating. He seems like his family would be where all the fun lies. We'd also play dress up. Potential for intimacy = 5%.

A few other bromances not pictured, Donald Fasion, Elliot Tittensor, Drake Bell, Johnny Depp, Johnn Knoxville, Rob Dyrdek and few others.

There you have it. Who are your dream bromances?

Marcin Gortat, My Favorite

It's well documented on my show, FatGuyRadioShow, that I am a homer for the Phoenix Suns. Winning or loosing, I will cheer on my Phoenix Suns.

Being a native of Arizona I've been awarded the privilege to be a Suns fan. I can think back on day of old with my father at the told coliseum watching the Suns play. This was back before there was ever a US Airways Center. Hell, I can remember when that center was built and then upgraded. I may have just aged myself tremendously.

The Phoenix Suns has some great players on the team. I enjoy every one of them. As in my life, I alway root for the underdog. The player that doesn't get the recognition and the billboards that other key players deserve. I like Steve Nash, Grant Hill, and sometimes Channing Frye.

Marcin Gortat
But the guy that puts a pep in my step, a ring around my collar, and a cheer in my heart; the one and only Marcin Gortat. for the 2011-2012 season (the short lock out season) he's averaging 15.8 points per game and 10.0 rebounds per game. Not ESPN standards, but it works for me.

He was born and raised  in Lodz, Poland and his accent is the best ever. When you look at Marcin you can just tell he was destined for greatness at a very early age. With his father bring a professional boxer, which he has a tattoo on his chest in his honor, Marcin has what it takes to be athletic by nature.

I'm excited to see Marcin take on the Cleveland tomorrow. It's a road game, so there's a chance Channing Frye won't show up. (sorry Channing, but you and I both know your road game is behind your home game). I'll be on the couch, cheering on Marcin and the boys.

But if someone out there, can tell Marcin Gortat how much of a big fan I am, do it.

Lou Amundson Phoenix Suns
Raja BellMy love for the under dog goes back to a few past team members of the Phoenix Suns. These few names may ring a bell; speaking of - Raja Bell, Lou Amundson, and the man - the legend - the myth Sir Charles Barkely. (love you Barkley).

Go Suns! FFL = Fan For Life, winning or loosing!

Marcin Gortat Sexy Pose
This is the funniest picture of Marcin, back in the Magic Days